Some Central Australian History and Blind Moses

It is good to learn something of the history of an area and the real life characters and events that helped shape the present. I have just read a book that has done just that - 'Blind Moses, Aranda man of high degree and Christian evangelist'.

Moses or Tjalkabota was born in 1872 near Hermannsburg, south west of Alice Springs. At that time the first white explorers had past through this area just a few years earlier. The over land telegraph line was under construction. The colony of Queensland had not long been established. Moses's family had still not seen a white man yet they had heard of them. This was about to change.

Some German Lutherans arrived to establish a mission station at Hermannsburg on the Finke River. Pastoralists brought large numbers of sheep and cattle. Prospectors came seeking their fortunes. European diseases were introduced with devastating results. At times tensions erupted into open violence and killings.

After moving around the upper Finke River area with his family for much of his first decade of life, Moses' family settled at Hermannsburg allowing him to attended school. He did very well and went on to assist with the Bible translation work.

In 1906 Moses contracted measles which progressed to encephalitis leaving him blind. He was not put off by this disability and became a highly regarded Bible teacher. At times he traveled hundreds of kms on foot, over rugged terrain being lead by others. Regularly his listeners would plead with him to stay longer so they could hear more of what he had to say.

During his lifetime he negotiated massive changes. He had more than his fair share of personal grief, surviving all of his nine children yet through all this he was able to maintain his faith and a peace amidst much turmoil.

The photo above was taken from the book titled 'Blind Moses' by Peter Latz. Moses is second from the right.

Now days in Haasts Bluff the  Sunday morning church services here are conducted 100% in the Luritja language, a tribute to the work done by dedicated people like Moses Tjalkabota.

The man on the right is current pastor here at Haasts Bluff - Trevor Raggetts. This photo was taken inside the store that we currently manage.
Until next time, take care.
Bryan and Nancy


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