Hello from Croker Island

Earlier this week we had a significant rain event here measuring 185 mm over a 24 hour period. We had an anthropologist here from Darwin to do some registering work on sacred sites around the island. The rain impacted some of our plans earlier in the week however on Thursday the weather had improved, allowing us the get out. The visibility was amazing!

But first, a short explanation of what a sacred site is. There are many different types of sacred sites from burial sites, to clan boundary markers to restricted areas like a no fishing marine park. Additionally, as Indigenous people were and still are to a large extent an oral culture, stories are passed on from generation to generation about people, land and marine animals and birds travelling through the land. Many of the locations in these stories are also sacred sites. These stories were told to children at night as they prepared for sleep. Most of these stories also have deeper layers of meaning which can involve teaching about issues like how to be a good citizen, relationships between clans, clans alliances. Please note, there are no sensitive sites shown on this blog.

The video below is my first attempt at a video - made up from a series of short drone videos and photos with some music added. I have had to reduce the quality to allow me to upload it to the blog site, so hopefully this does not cause any issues for you. 

Come with Garngi ranger Shaun, traditional owner Ian and anthropologist Virginie as they visit some beautiful coastal areas of this island. 

I hope you enjoy it. 

Cheers Bryan


Anonymous said…
Great video dad! The scenery is amazing!!
Lawsie xx
Anonymous said…
Loved seeing Crocker scenes. Great job.
Anonymous said…
Great film & song Bryan, felt like I was there, I enjoy all your blogs👏🏻👏🏻Heather
Ken said…
Great video Bryan beautiful scenery nice music too.well done mate
Regards ken
Anonymous said…
Fabulous video & music - really enjoyed the trip, thanks Bryan
You certainly love in a beautiful place

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