BAYULU - No 1 Greetings from Fitzroy Crossing in WA. Recently we received a call from a friend of a friend in Broome who does recruiting for remote indigenous communities in the Kimberleys, WA. He was looking for a relief store manger at Bayulu Community near Fitzroy Crossing - and ASAP, as the current manger had just experienced a death in their immediate family. It was decided that Bryan would go to WA and Nancy would stay in Maleny. As there were no direct flights from Brisbane to Broome Bryan had to travel via Sydney. A combination of the kind weather and the flight path into Sydney provided a great view of the Sydney CBD and the harbour. The flight from Sydney to Broome took us over Lake Eyre - which currently has water flowing into it as a result of the recent above average wet season in north Queensland. A little further on the passengers seated on the left side of the aircraft got a great view of the Uluru and Katatjuta. I missed that sight. Coming ...