Hi Last weekend we flew into Darwin for the weekend. Laura was flying up to Darwin for a friend's wedding. She had not met niece Amelia yet so I think the wedding was more of an excuse. Dean, Kristy and their little family. Aunty Laura meets Amelia. Granny and Pa with our grandchildren - a real blessing. While in Darwin a friend from Inverness in Scotland was passing through Darwin. It was great catching up with Bev. Trevor and Leonie were in town for the wedding. Leonie and Nancy met in the maternity ward in Gove hospital back in 1984. We have kept in touch even since. Recently the Garngi rangers have been busy with our carbon abatement early dry season 'cool' burning. This involves both ground and aerial burning and if done well reduces the amount of carbon that ends up in the atmosphere. We receive some good income from this work. For the aerial burning we use a Robinson R44 helicopter. The rear left door is removed and an incendiary machine ...