Greetings from Croker Island. Recently, we had a team of scientists from the Commonwealth Government's Biosecurity Department visit to conduct a plant and insect survey. Garngi Rangers assisted. Biosecurity Australia are keen to keep out unwanted plants, insects and diseases that would cause major issues for our agricultural industries further south. Below a plant scientists explains to Charlie how the scientific Latin plant naming system works. Other scientists were interested in insects, grubs, mites etc. Rangers Shaun and Charlie found some interesting grubs. Below - a Quince tree which is a weed in northern Australia. It was thought to be eradicated here however these were discovered. The gadget below is an insect trap which we set up at the edge of the floodplain. It has a light which attracts insects at night and then a small fan draws the insects into the trap and the bottle of preserving fluid at the bottom. When we returned the next morning the bottle at the bottom of the...